KnightWeb for Faculty and Advisors

KnightWeb for Faculty and Advisors

What is KnightWeb?

KnightWeb is the name given to the Self-Service Banner web application at SUNY Geneseo currently used by students, faculty, advisors and alumni development officers. Students can register, view their schedule, do course availability searches, view holds, and view their student, accounts receivable and financial aid information.

Faculty and advisors can display and print their class rosters and access information for their students.

How do I get started?

  1. KnightWeb accounts are provided for all faculty and advisors. KnightWeb can be accessed from wherever you have Internet access - office or home.

  2. From your internet browser, navigate to "https://my.geneseo.edu".

  3. Click on the KnightWeb tile:

  4. Accept the Terms of Usage by clicking the "Continue" button.

    Terms of Usage screen with option to continue

What is available in KnightWeb for Faculty & Advisors?

From the Main Menu, click on Faculty Menu. You can choose from a variety of web services, including Faculty Detail Schedule, Faculty Schedule by Day and Time, Summary Class List (class roster), Final Grades and selections from Student Menu (View Student Schedule) and Advisor Menu (Student Academic Transcript). Any page displayed can be printed from your browser.

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