Custom Class Roster

Custom Class Roster

Custom Class Roster is a KnightWeb-based Roster utility. With it, you can request a Google Group to be created/updated with a class roster or create customized class rosters to view or download.

How do I use it?

  1. Sign on to myGeneseo using your email / Windows Login ID and Password and click on the Login button.

  2. Click on the KnightWeb link.

  3. Select "Faculty Menu," then "Custom Class Roster."

  4. You will be prompted to select the Term and CRN.

  5. Then, you will be presented with the Custom Class Roster form. You can create the Roster as a downloadable Excel "csv" (Comma Separated Value) file or display it as a web page in your browser.

    1. You can also check the box to have a Google Group created/updated for that class's current roster. Please see the next section for more information on this feature.

How does the mailing list feature work?

  1. When you click "Create Class Roster" with the mailing list box checked, that course's current roster is saved to CIT's mail server.

  2. Every hour, on the hour, the roster files saved on our mail server are automatically processed:

    1. If the course does not yet have a Google Group, one is created.

    2. All students in the roster file on the server are added to the Google Group.

    3. An automated email is sent to the instructor informing them that their Google Group has been created/updated.

Instructions on how to name and save the download file are on the form. There are 14 customizable fields that you can include on your roster: CRN, Subject, Course Number, Section Number, Student ID, Student Name, Term, Confidentiality Indicator, Level, Email Address, Degree, Major, Program, and Class Year. At the bottom of the form are check boxes to save your customized format for future use. 

Example custom class roster setup page from Fall 2015

When is the roster data updated?

As the data comes directly from the Banner system database, it is always current. To create a new roster, sign onto KnightWeb and select Custom Class Roster again.

If you request a Google Group, it should be created/updated at 6am the following morning and you should receive an email notification of completion.

When will the Google Groups be deleted?

Custom Google groups will be deleted one year after creation. (For example, Spring 2020 groups will be deleted in January 2021.)

Who has access to Custom Class Roster data?

This application allows only the instructor(s) on record to access the roster data. If the class instructor is listed as "STAFF" or "TBA," the Records Office must update the class records.

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