Mathematica Installation and Licensing Instructions

Mathematica Installation and Licensing Instructions

In October of 2022, Mathematica licensing changed to require SSO activation. This requires a clean uninstall of all previous Mathematica installations and requires a new, special installer that can be downloaded from the link in the installation instructions. Please perform the uninstallation step prior to the installation instructions if you have installed Mathematica prior to the Fall 2023 semester. 

Uninstall previous Mathematica versions (prior to 13.3.0)

For Windows:

  1. Open Control Panel and choose Programs and Features

  2. Find and select Mathematica or Wolfram Mathematica in the list

  3. Choose Uninstall at the top

  4. Proceed with the uninstallation

  5. Once the uninstallation has successfully finished, open File Explorer

  6. Along the left side menu, choose This PC

  7. Choose Windows (C:)

  8. Choose Program Files

  9. Find and delete the Wolfram Research folder

  10. Go back to Windows (C:)

  11. Choose Users

  12. Choose Your Username

  13. Choose AppData

    1. If you cannot see this folder, on the top menu bar click View

    2. Then, under Show, choose Hidden Items

  14. Choose Local

  15. Delete Mathematica and Wolfram

    1. note: this may remove some Mathematica customizations you have created

  16. Go back to AppData

  17. Choose Roaming

  18. Delete Mathematica and Wolfram

  19. If AppData was hidden, choose View, and then under Show, choose Hidden Items again

  20. Once the folder has been deleted from your computer, restart your machine

  21. Proceed with the installation instructions below

Installation Instructions

  1. Go to https://www.wolfram.com/siteinfo/ and enter your full Geneseo email address

  2. Download Wolfram Mathematica from the portal for your Operating System 

  3. Install Wolfram Mathematica

  4. Once installed, launch Mathematica

    1. You will be prompted to activate your license 

    2. Click on the Sign In button under Activate through your organization (SSO)

    3. Sign in with your full Geneseo email address and password.

    4. It should successfully activate

  5. Once activated, you can now use Mathematica 13.3.0

  6. If Mathematica says that it cannot authenticate because you are not connected to the internet, please repeat steps 10 through 21


  1. Wolfram Mathematica is not available on the Chromebook platforms. If you need access from that device, please try using the Geneseo Virtual Computer Lab

  2. VPN Access is not required to use this software, but you will need an active internet connection.

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