Mailing List General Information

The following is a list of centrally managed Geneseo mailing lists. If you are looking for a mailing list to be created for your project, student organization, or external group, please use Google Groups for your needs.

These lists are official in that they are derived directly from the Human Resources and Banner Student databases; all such addresses are included, and for most of them there is no "opt-out" mechanism. Messages sent to these lists should be of broad interest to the targeted audience, concise, and contain a descriptive subject. Sending to multiple lists with cross membership is not permitted. (i.e. sending the same message to events-L, secretary-L and professional-L) Email will be rejected by the list moderator if it does not meet the purpose of the list. 

What Lists are Available?

Official Lists ( )


Subscription Policy

Approving Offices


Official Lists ( )


Subscription Policy

Approving Offices



all employees and currently-enrolled Geneseo students


University Police and Emergency Preparedness Team Members

Geneseo911-L is strictly used for emergency notifications. Subscription is mandatory for all Geneseo employees and students.


all currently-enrolled Geneseo students


Dean of Students, Office of the President, Communications & Marketing, Facilities Services, Admin VP

Allstudents-L is used to notify students of official College policy, SUNY policy, or legal mandates that all students need to have in order to continue to be Geneseo students in good standing. It is not to be used for events or surveys, for example. Students cannot unsubscribe from this list.


all currently-enrolled Geneseo students


Registrar office and advising office.

The Advising Office and the Registrar's Office will be using this distribution list to send important information about your academics, including changes in policies and procedures, calendar information, and upcoming deadlines.


Geneseo employees


Human Resources, Office of the President, Communications & Marketing, Facilities Services, Admin VP

Allstaff-L is only used for Cabinet-level communications, crisis/issues communication and human resources-related information. It is not to be used for events. Employees cannot unsubscribe from this list.


Emeriti faculty and retired staff


Office of the President, Communications & Marketing

The Emeriti-L exists to communicate with emeriti faculty/administrative staff regarding news of interest to them and to invite them to certain events on campus.



all currently-enrolled Geneseo students


Student Life

The WEEKEND UPDATE is an inclusive list of events being offered at SUNY Geneseo on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Students can unsubscribe from this list if they so choose. The list will be synchronized periodically with all registered students.



all currently-enrolled Geneseo students


Dean of Students

Studentnews-L is used to notify students of important College or departmental information that we want all students to have, but they can choose to ignore. Examples include departmental newsletters, and changes in hours of operation, to name a few. It is not to be used for events.



all currently-enrolled Geneseo students living on campus


Dean of Students

oncampus-students-L is used to notify residential students of important College or departmental information that we want students living in the residence halls to have. Residence Life has individual residence hall lists, but this can be used to notify all residential students at once.  It is not to be used for events, nor for information that also pertains to off campus students. Students cannot unsubscribe from this list.


all currently-enrolled Geneseo students living off-campus


Dean of Students

offcampus-L is used to notify non-residential (non-residence hall) students of important College or departmental information that we want students living off campus to have. It is not to be used for events, nor for information that also pertains to on campus/residential students. Students cannot unsubscribe from this list.



all academic and professional faculty members


College Senate designate

The list is to be used to communicate curricular, co-curricular, service, pedagogical, personnel, and any information pertinent to the academic and professional faculty. This list is not intended as a forum for dialogue or commercial advertisement. All faculty are automatically included on this list. Because the members of this list are also on the allstaff-l list, the same message should not be sent to both faculty-l and allstaff-l.

Due to the fact that membership on this list is maintained automatically, it is not possible to manually join this list in the usual way. Please contact the Faculty Presiding Officer at and copy the Senate Secretary if you have any questions.


All academic faculty members


Provost Office

This list is for use by the Provost Office to communicate with faculty, including professional staff who teach courses.



Deans, Directors & Department Chairs


Human Resources

DDC-L is used for sharing important College or departmental information with Deans, Directors and Department chairs, designated as such by HR. DDDs are asked to please cascade these emails as appropriate to their staff. Events are not accepted. Membership is prescribed and mandatory.


Administrative professionals


Human Resources

MC-L is used for sharing important information with employees designated management confidential. Membership is prescribed and mandatory.


Administrative staff in all departments


Human Resources

Adminasst-L is used for sharing important College or departmental information with administrative assistants. Membership is prescribed and mandatory.


Building Captains ("C" in HR's "Campus Report Information")


Human Resources

Building-Captains-L is used for sharing important information particular to building residents



CSEA bargaining unit members


CSEA President & Secretary

CSEA-L is used for sharing important information particular to employees designated as CSEA. Membership is prescribed and mandatory.


UUP bargaining unit members


UUP President

UUP-L is used for sharing important information particular to employees designated as UUP. Membership is prescribed and mandatory.


all UUP non-teaching professionals


Human Resources

This list is moderated and used only by human resources to send benefits and payroll information related specifically to professional employees.


members of the unions CSEA, Police, PEF (Nurses)


Human Resources

Classified-l used for sharing important information or announcements to employees not in MC or UUP. Membership is prescribed and manadatory.