In Your Room - Connecting via Ethernet

In Your Room - Connecting via Ethernet

How to connect a device to the network via ethernet in the residence halls.

Before You Begin

Geneseo uses MAC address authentication for its Residential Network (ResNet). This requires devices to be registered before they are allowed to connect.  All devices that wish to use the WIRED network connection need to be registered. This includes laptops, desktops, gaming consoles and streaming devices. For information about connecting these devices to our network, visit Gaming Consoles, Rokus and Apple TVs, TVs and Network Appliances in ResNet.

Register your MAC Address

See MAC address


  1. Use another device (phone, laptop etc) and go to mydevices.geneseo.edu

  2. At the login page enter your Geneseo Username (without @geneseo.edu) and Password and click "Sign On"



  3. At the "Manage Devices" page click "Add"



  4. At the "Add Device" page fill out the form and pay close attention to the "description" requirements.  Then click "Submit"



  5. Your device is now registered.  Connect your device to the ethernet port and you will be connected.  Ignore the "pending" status. Once you click "submit" on the registration page, your device is registered and allowed to connect to the network.

Ethernet Port Locations

Find your wireless transmitter!

Every residence hall room on the SUNY Geneseo campus has a wireless transmitter mounted on a wall a few feet off the wall. Each transmitter has 3 usable Ethernet ports on the bottom with various labels. Connect your device to ports with label of 1, 2 or 3 only. The other ports do not work. There may be other traditional orange network connections in your residence hall room and they may or may not work - use the ports on the wireless transmitter.

Ethernet port locations
Ethernet port locations
Ethernet port locations
Ethernet port locations

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