Encrypted Wireless Network (macOS)

Encrypted Wireless Network (macOS)

These directions will help you setup access to Geneseo's encrypted 802.1x wireless network.

Using the secure eduroam wireless network has many advantages. All of your network traffic is encrypted and therefore protected from easily being captured by those around you. You also will not have to authenticate every time you use the wireless network.


Configuring secure wireless network on macOS

  1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the upper right of your screen and select eduroam from the list of available networks.

  2. Enter your FULL Geneseo email address (username@geneseo.edu) and password

    1. Leave "802.1X:" as automatic (you may not see this option)

    2. Check "Remember this network".

    3. Click Join.

More Info

Selecting Preferred Networks

If you use your laptop on more than one wireless network, you may want to ensure that your networks are in the order you prefer.

  1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the upper right of your screen and select "Network Preferences...".

  2. Click on "Wi-Fi" in the menu on the left.

  3. Click on the "Advanced..." button.

  4. In the 'Preferred Networks:' pane, drag the networks into the order that you prefer. eduroam is the network you will use on campus. Click "OK".

Removing Old Wireless Network Settings

If you have a computer that will not connect to the wireless network (possibly because the password saved in the system is no longer correct or your OS does not recognize our updated certificates), follow these steps to clear the existing wireless settings. This will allow a fresh connection the next time you connect to the eduroam wireless network.

  1. Click on the Wi-Fi icon in the upper right of your screen and select "Network Preferences...".

  2. In the window that appears, click the "Turn Wi-Fi Off" button.

  3. Once Wi-Fi is off, click the "Advanced..." button at the bottom of the window.

    1. In the window that appears, highlight each Network Name and click the Minus Sign to delete the profiles. When you're done, the left-hand pane should be empty.

    2. Click on the tab labeled '802.1X'.

    3. Remove any User Profiles listed (you may need to click on the triangle next to 'User Profiles' to reveal the profiles).

    4. Click 'OK'.

  4. Quit System Preferences.

You also need to remove any saved items in your Keychain.

  1. Open your Applications folder - then the Utilities folder - then double-click Keychain Access.

  2. Search for any items related to wireless network passwords - use the search box to look for "802.1X Password" files and "Internet Connect" files.

  3. Highlight any found items and delete them by pressing the delete key on the keyboard.

After these settings have been removed, you can re-enable Wi-Fi using the Wi-Fi icon. Follow the configuration directions above.

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