Virus Information at Geneseo

Virus Information at Geneseo

This page provides information on how to prevent and protect your computer against virus attacks. Included are links to software that specialize in removing malicious malware installed on your computer.

Virus Information @ Geneseo

Protecting Yourself

Don't open any attachments you receive in email that you are not expecting! Forward any suspicious email you receive with headers to virus@geneseo.edu. CIT examines every message sent to this address and takes appropriate action. Please be aware that messages forwarded without header information will be discarded and no action will be taken.

Microsoft Defender

Microsoft offers virus protection to Windows users through their free products.
Self Help: Windows Antivirus

Campus-owned computers are licensed to install and run Microsoft Essentials or Windows Defender based on the Operating System they are running. For more information, contact the CIT HelpDesk.

Other Tools to Cure Pop-up Windows, Spyware, and Viruses

Windows Updates

The Microsoft website contains critical updates and all Microsoft recommended updates. The URL is http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com/. Some of the updates need to be installed one at a time and then require a reboot. Continue to go to the Windows Update site until there are no updates left for you to download and install.

MalwareBytes Anti-malware

One of the best free malware tools for personal computers is MalwareBytes Anti-Malware. It can be acquired here: http://www.malwarebytes.org  Download, install, update, and then scan in safe mode. Your computer will thank you.

SpyBot Search & Destroy

On personal computers, run SpyBot to catch any programs MalwareBytes may have missed.  Since SpyBot is free, easily available, and has some somewhat intrusive background processes, you should uninstall it after you use it.


A small utility for removing CoolWebSearch (aka CoolWwwSearch, YouFindAll, White-Pages.ws, and a dozen other names).

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