Exam Grading and Scanning

Exam Grading and Scanning


Our optical scanning and exam grading process is a quick and efficient means of obtaining test results and statistics. Faculty administer the exam, fill out an answer key, have students fill out an answer sheet, and the rest is done by the optical scanner.

When submitting an exam for grading, you will need to complete a cover sheet which contains instructions about how to process your exam.

  • You may choose to omit or weight questions.

  • You need to provide your SUNY Geneseo email address.

  • You will receive the following standard reports and csv files:

    • Frequency Distribution report

    • Grade Posting report

    • Grade report

    • Question Analysis report

    • Question Statistics report

    • Student Statistics report

    • Test Statistics report

    • Gradebook.csv

    • a csv for import into Brightspace

The results will be emailed to your Geneseo email address (@geneseo.edu).
All answers must be completed using pencil; the scanner will not read ball point ink.
There must only be one answer per question; multiple responses are not allowed.

Faculty Answer Key

A faculty answer key must be included with each set of exams brought in for processing.
The following fields should be filled in as indicated:

  • LAST NAME field top left blank bubble

  • STUDENT NUMBER field grid all 0's

  • COURSE REF NUMB (CRN) field course reference number (ie 54321)

One response is valid for each question, while omitted questions are left blank.

Student Answer Sheets

Each student taking the exam should completely fill out an answer sheet with their responses.
All responses should be completely darkened; light marks may not be picked up by the scanner, thus giving an inaccurate response.
The following fields should be filled in as indicated:

  • LAST NAME field darken applicable bubbles

  • FIRST NAME field darken applicable bubbles

  • STUDENT NUMBER field darken applicable bubbles with Geneseo ID number (G#)*

  • COURSE REF NUMB (CRN) field discretion of instructor (optional)

  • EXAM / FORM fields discretion of instructor (optional)
    * Note: For Geneseo student ID number, please have students bubble 0 for G# (ie G00456789 ‡ 000456789)

Weighting Questions

Weighting questions on exams requires that you include an additional answer sheet with the following fields filled in as indicated:

  • LAST NAME field top left blank bubble

  • STUDENT NUMBER field 000000001

  • COURSE REF NUMB (CRN) field course reference number (ie 54321)

Desired weights are filled in for each question. For example, filling in "B" for certain questions will give them a weight of "2"; "C" = "3", etc. If this sheet is not included with the exam, all questions will be weighted evenly (with the exception of omitted questions which are left blank on the answer key).

Drop-Off and Pick-Up

We are located in South Hall 124B. All exams will be processed and usually available for pick-up within 3 business days.

Though results may only be picked up during normal business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m), they may be dropped off for processing any time in the "mailbox" next to South Hall 124B. The box is completely secure and safe and may only be accessed by a staff member from CIT. Cover sheets and campus envelopes will be available at the drop-box.

If you are sending a student to pick up your exam and report when it is completed, we require some form of authorization from you, e.g. note indicating student name, course, your signature; or a phone call prior to the student's arrival.

More Help

Questions relevant to Exam grading may be directed to CIT in South Hall 124B or call 245-5577.

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