CIT Information for Geneseo Employees

CIT Information for Geneseo Employees

Welcome to Geneseo! Please bookmark this resource so that you can refer back to it. go.geneseo.edu/citwelcome

Computing & Information Technology (CIT)

fosters student learning and development by providing technology infrastructure and facilities, information technology services, and support for faculty, staff, and students at SUNY Geneseo.

CIT HelpDesk: Milne Library
(585) 245-5588

CIT Main Office: South Hall 119
(585) 245-5577

Educational Technology Suite: South 225

IT Support

CIT HelpDesk

The CIT HelpDesk, located in Milne Library, is staffed by trained students. The HelpDesk can be reached at (585) 245-5588 or visit our online Service Desk

Technology Support

Each department is supported by a Technology Support Professional (TSP). Your TSP can assist you with all computing needs. Click here for a list of the TSPs and what departments they support.

CIT Status

CIT posts updates regarding planned and unplanned technology outages and upgrades on campus. Subscribe for updates sent to your email or mobile device. Visit CIT Status Geneseo.


Your Geneseo Username and Password

Your account at Geneseo gives you access to nearly all of our services including email, myGeneseo, Brightspace, Google apps, software downloads, printing services, server, and more! User accounts remain active for as long as you are employed at Geneseo. 


my.geneseo.edu is Geneseo's customizable, web-based information portal. Resources such as email, time accruals, KnightWeb, campus news and events and more are found here. 

Geneseo Mobile App

The Geneseo Mobile App provides access to resources including notifications, online directory, events, news, campus map, and more. It can also help you find other Geneseo apps. Search for “Geneseo Mobile” on your device's app store.

Banner and KnightWeb

Banner is the campus student information system used to manage business associated with faculty, students, courses, registration, grades, transcripts, housing, billing, and many other aspects of the college. KnightWeb is the web self-service interface to Banner used by faculty and students. Faculty can enter grades, view schedules and class lists, download rosters, and access academic advisement information.

KnightWeb accounts are automatically created for all faculty and advisors. Problems accessing KnightWeb should be directed to the Registrar's office at (585) 245-5566. Banner and KnightWeb can both be accessed via my.geneseo.edu

Digital Storage

CIT has a strategy for consolidating cloud storage platforms to improve productivity, collaboration, accessibility, and security for our community

Personal Devices @ Geneseo

Access Geneseo resources from your mobile phone or tablet.

Personal Websites

You can create a personal website using the campus Web Content Management System. If you are interested in this option, contact the CIT HelpDesk.

Security & Protecting your Data

These links provide information about information security, backing up your data, and IT policies at Geneseo.

Teaching Tools

Learning Management System

Brightspace is a modern LMS that has hundreds of intuitive features for faculty to engage students and enrich the learning experience. Faculty can post documents and other resources, give assessments, create discussion forums, receive and grade assignments, integrate publisher content, post grades, and more. 

For more information about Brightspace, please email brightspace@geneseo.edu

Instructional Tools

Test Scoring

Optical scanning and scoring is a way to obtain exam results and statistics using a scannable answer sheet and answer key. Importable results are emailed. Scan forms are available in South 119.


Classroom Technology

Presentation technologies are available in all Geneseo Learning spaces. Contact the CIT HelpDesk to find out who can best help you with your classroom technology needs. For more information, visit Labs and Classroom Technology.

Computer Labs

MacOS and Windows computers for student use can be found in campus computer labs. Select computer labs may be reserved for presentations or a class that requires the use of technology. Contact Scheduling, Events and Conference Services to reserve classroom labs.

New York Alert

Geneseo is committed to creating a safe environment for faculty, staff, and students. NY-ALERT (powered by Everbridge) is designed to notify you in situations where your personal safety may be at risk (see examples below). Subscription to NY-ALERT is free and, while highly encouraged, completely voluntary.


Pharos Cloud is the print management solution at Geneseo and is used by all faculty, staff, and students. All users are printing to the same cloud print queue and are required to authenticate at the printer to manually release their jobs. Print jobs can be released at any printer across campus once submitted to the Pharos Secure Printer.


CIT provides telephone services and voicemail to the campus.

Wireless Network

All buildings, including residence halls, are wireless. Many laptop-friendly workspaces with wireless connectivity, power outlets, and large displays are available for individual and collaborative work.


Software & Training

Google Apps for Education

The G Suite is available to Geneseo students, faculty, and staff. 

Microsoft Office 365

Geneseo is part of the SUNY Partnership Microsoft Campus Agreement for Microsoft Office. As a Geneseo student, faculty or staff member, you can download and install a free copy of the MS Office suite. (This includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and OneNote). You can install Office 365 on up to five computers (MacOS or Windows) AND up to five mobile devices (smartphones or tablets).  

Other Software

Geneseo has negotiated strategic license agreements with software vendors to make their products available to college-owned and personal computers. 

LinkedIn Learning

Geneseo students, faculty and staff have FREE access to the entire LinkedIn Learning training library (over 7,500 courses, and more are added every week) through Geneseo's site license. Courses can be accessed 24/7 on any desktop computer, laptop, or mobile device (iOS and Android). Faculty can assign courses to their students to track learning progress.

CIT Workshops

For information about in-person workshops led by CIT Professionals, visit CIT Training.

The CIT Checklist

This checklist is designed to help departments ensure they have the resources ready for new employees. Note that some of these items link to external websites and other campus departments.

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