Account Eligibility

Account Eligibility


CIT provides accounts for persons who have a current or future official status with SUNY Geneseo that requires the use of computing resources.

Official status is controlled by the SUNY Geneseo office responsible for the specific population. Official status is based on data in Banner. Student eligibility is based on Banner Student Data. Employee eligibility is based on HR Data in the state wide HR system which feeds data into Banner daily.

All accounts are limited access 2 weeks after we are first notified of the person leaving the college.


An automated email is sent to the address you provided when applying to Geneseo. See Claiming your Geneseo Account for instructions on claiming your account.

Type of Student

When Eligibility Begins

When Eligibility Ends

Type of Student

When Eligibility Begins

When Eligibility Ends

Domestic Matriculated Undergraduate Students

~1 hour after after deposit has been processed by Admissions.

  • When Admission is rescinded or cancelled.

  • 6 months after they are marked as inactive. Student accounts are limited access 2 weeks after they are marked inactive.

  • For undergraduate students accounts become disabled 6 months after the student is marked as inactive meaning they have not been enrolled and are not on a leave, providing the student has not been admitted for a current or future semester or does not have an active graduate admissions application for an upcoming term.

  • Graduating Students: Accounts become disabled 6 months after their graduation is entered into Banner.

  • Note students retain access only to Google Workplace services during the 6 months after they are marked as inactive.

  • Leaves are handled by the Office of Enrollment Management

    Office of Enrollment Services SUNY Geneseo
    312 Doty Hall 1 College Circle
    Geneseo, New York 14454
    Phone: (585) 245-5619
    Fax: (585) 245-5005
    Email: enrollment@geneseo.edu

Non-matriculated Students

~1 hour after application has been processed by the Registrar's Office.

Domestic and International Graduate Students

~1 hour after admitted by graduate admissions

International Students

~1 hour after processed by International Student Services.

LIVES Students

When notified by LIVES coordinator

When notified by LIVES Coordinator

Transfer Admits

~1 hour after selected for admission as a transfer student

After the start of the following semester if no registered term found

Faculty and Staff Paid via State Payroll

Eligibility is based on "official status" as maintained in the SUNY HR system. First Work Dates are set for all faculty and staff. Last Work Dates are set for faculty or staff with a job that is for a specified length of time. Last Work Dates are left blank for ongoing employees until their Last Work Date is known.

Payroll Type (include HR System code here?)

When eligibility Begins

When eligibility Ends

Payroll Type (include HR System code here?)

When eligibility Begins

When eligibility Ends


(UUP Union, bargaining unit 08, and Salary Suffix starts with A, B, N, or L. Also include INSTR HR Role Type.)

The day after faculty appointment is entered into SUNY HR

4 weeks after Last Day1

Adjunct Faculty

The day after faculty appointment is entered into SUNY HR

1 year after Last Work Date2

Staff (anyone not in the above 2 groups)

The day after staff appointment is entered into SUNY HR

Midnight of the Last Day1

Student Employees

Eligibility is based on Student Status (See above)

Expiration based on Student Status (See above)

  1. An employee's last day may be past their last working day if they choose to stay on the payroll and take their vacation days. Accounts are limited access for 2 weeks after HR notifies of separation.

  2. Only email access will be kept for 1 year and only if separation is on good terms.

If early or immediate removal of any employee's account is needed please contact Human Resources.

New faculty members are able to access KnightWeb when their Banner instructor (SIAINST) record is setup.

Other Staff Persons (non State Payroll)

People who are not being paid via NYS Payroll yet have a departmentally defined and approved relationship where they are providing services to a Geneseo department are eligible for computing services for the duration of their relationship.

For all types of other staff persons, a first and last work date are set during the approval process.

Payroll Type

When eligibility Begins

When eligibility Ends

Payroll Type

When eligibility Begins

When eligibility Ends

CAS Employees (Including Student Association and Book Store)

The day after CAS HR enters them into SUNY HR

Midnight of the Last Work Date

Research Foundation (RFEMP, FOUND)

Betsy Colon notifies HR of Research Foundation Employees employment status and start and end dates.

Betsy Colon notifies HR of Research Foundation Employees employment status and start and end dates.

Volunteers (Official)

When Volunteer form is filled out and entered into State HR system by Human Resources, entries must include a department and end date.

On date entered by HR from Volunteer form. Eligibility lasts up to 1 year and can be extended by filling out volunteer form with HR

Temps hired via other methods

As per Volunteers

As per Volunteers


When approved by CIT

On date entered by CIT at time of approval. Must be renewed every 3 months.

Special cases

Bridging for non continuous employment persons

In some cases employees or other staff persons only work for the college for specific dates. Departments can request that those persons have their account expirations extended up to one year by request.


Retirees of SUNY Geneseo who are in good standing are eligible to keep access to their Geneseo Email account. Retiree/emeritus accounts that are not being accessed will be removed 1 year after last recorded access, you will be emailed prior to account removal. If you do not want to maintain your email account please contact the HelpDesk. Retirees that keep their accounts must make arrangements with offices they work with to ensure business related documents are transferred and that communications are able to reach the offices.

Retirees must update their email signature line to reflect their retired status. Failure to do so may result in loss of email privileges.

Faculty on phased retirements will retain their access in accordance with the above eligibility during their phased period. 

If a department would like to maintain services for a retiree beyond limited account access they can follow the processes laid out for Volunteers above.

Resources for Retirees and Emeritus Faculty

Former employees, not retiring

Access will end as noted in tables above. If a department wishes to continue the person in an "unpaid relationship", see the Volunteer entry on Other Staff Persons table.


Computing Account Eligibility Definitions have been established based on best security practices and consultation with the Information Security Program Team. Consideration has been given to balance appropriate access, audit standards which require timely removal of access when work relationships end, licensing terms of software/services and related costs.

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