Password Changing from a College-Provided Computer

Password Changing from a College-Provided Computer

This document explains how to change your Geneseo password from a college provided computer; meaning a computer issued from CIT (to faculty/staff) including loaner laptops and public lab computers.

"Best Practice" Steps to Change Your Geneseo Password on a College-Provided Computer

  1. While ON CAMPUS and connected to a WIRED network connection (ethernet cable plugged into your computer). You can use wireless - EDUROAM - if you do not have a wired connection or cannot plug an ethernet cable into your computer (newer Macs).

    1. Use your computer's operating system to change your password

      1. For a computer running macOS

      2. For a computer running Windows

  2. If you are UNABLE TO BE ON CAMPUS to change your password, make sure to have your VPN connection started on your computer to communicate with our network server during the process.

    1. If you don't have a VPN installed on your computer, follow these instructions: Virtual Private Networking (VPN)

    2. Once the VPN is connected, use your computer's operating system to change your password.

      1. For a computer running macOS

      2. For a computer running Windows

  3. Once your password is changed, test systems like email, printing, and wireless to ensure you can connect with your new password

Changing your Geneseo Password from a College-Provided Mac

This self-help guide will describe how to change your Geneseo Password from a College Provided Mac.

Before You Start

Please look at your computer to see if you have a “G” icon on your Menu Bar in the upper right corner. If you have the “G” icon, you will use the “G” Icon Steps below. If you do not have the “G” icon, you will use the “Older Domain-bound Macs” section below.

“G” Icon Steps

  1. From the Geneseo "G" icon in your menu bar, click Change Password

  2. On the Microsoft window that pops up, enter your Geneseo email address, then click Next

  3. Enter your current Geneseo password, then click Sign in

  4. Scroll down to the Password box, then click the Change Password link

  5. Enter your current Geneseo password in the Old password field, your desired new password in the Create new password and Confirm new password fields, then click the submit button

  6. Click the Done button at the bottom of the window; when prompted to sign in to Jamf Connect again, click OK

  7. Enter your new password into the Password field, then click Sign In

  8. To re-synchronize your Geneseo password with your computer password, enter your old password in the Local Password field on the final window, then click Sync

Older Domain-bound Macs - without the “G” icon

This guide is intended for SUNY Geneseo owned Domain Bound Macs only. Students and users who do not have a domain bound Mac or Windows PC are advised to change their password via https://myworkaccount.microsoft.com/ and select Change Password from the tiles.

  1. Open 'System Preferences' from the Apple Menu

  2. Click on the Users & Groups icon in System Preferences ('Accounts' in older versions of macOS)

  3. Check to make certain that your account is "Mobile". If it is not, change your password via https://myworkaccount.microsoft.com/ and select Change Password from the tiles.
    If it is a "Mobile" account, click once on your account name on the left to highlight it and then click the 'Change Password...' button shown below.

  4. Type in your Old password (which is your current password), then your New password and type it in again to verify it. You can type a hint in the Password Hint field in case you forget your password. Click 'Change Password'.

  5.  Restart your computer. Depending on how your Mac is set up, it may not take your new password right away (on the first login after the restart). If your new password doesn't work to login, try your old password and then keep trying your new password when it asks until it syncs.

Changing your Geneseo Password from a College Provided Windows Computer

If you are off-campus, you must have an active VPN connection to use this method. Please see our VPN Self-Help guide to setup and connect to the VPN.

  1. Press the Ctrl + Alt + Del keys on your keyboard and select "Change a password

  2. On the 'Change a password' dialog, fill out the fields then press Enter key on your keyboard or the  button

  3. If completed successfully you will receive a message that your password was changed successfully 

  4. Optionally: restart your computer

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