KnightWeb Grade Entry


How to enter final and midterm grades into KnightWeb.

Note: The personal information in the screenshots below is mocked (not real) data.

Step-by-step guide

The Grade Entry application works best on larger displays. Some components may be off-screen on smaller displays.

  1. Login into KnightWeb.

  2. Click on the "Faculty Services" -> "Final and Midterm Grade Entry" menu items.

  3. Select the "Final Grades" or "Midterm Grades" tab.  Then select the course you'd like to grade.

    Faculty grade entry, Final grades tab, showing 3 sections of Physics courses
  4. Select a student and enter a grade.

    Sample course roster showing pull-down grade menu options
    Sample course roster showing pull-down grade menu options
  5. Click the Save button to submit your grades.  You can click this button as often as you like.

  6. Grades are Rolled to History (finalized) nightly at 2:30am.

    • A rolled grade may only be changed via the Online Grade Change form found at KnightWeb -> Faculty