Create Polls for Future Teams Meetings (MacOS only)

Create Polls for Future Teams Meetings (MacOS only)

Microsoft Teams meeting hosts can create and save polls for upcoming meetings. This procedure is new as of mid-November 2023 for MacOS “New Teams” users.



  1. Create the Teams meeting in Google Calendar. Launch the meeting in the Teams app. (You will be the only participant.)

  2. Click on the Chat icon above your video. Type something brief in the chat. (I used creating polls, but since no one will see what you type you could even enter a few random characters.)

  3. Open the main Teams Chat Window. You will see your current meeting in the “Recent” area.

  4. Click to select that meeting. In the right panel, click on the + icon to add the Polls app.

  5. Once you add the app, the full-featured Poll window will appear. In this area, you can + New Poll and save them for future use.

  6. Exit the meeting when your polls are saved.

  7. All polls must be launched from the Teams' Chat window. They cannot be launched from your video window.

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