OneDrive for Mac
Microsoft OneDrive will sync all files in the OneDrive - SUNY Geneseo and Desktop folders on a macOS computer. Unlike the Windows features, syncing the Pictures folder is not supported in the macOS version of OneDrive.
These instructions are specific to the macOS operating system
Signing in to OneDrive
If your computer is not signed into OneDrive already, you will need to sign in first.
Double-click on the OneDrive application in your Applications folder:
Enter your full Geneseo email address, then click Sign in
Enter your Geneseo password on the next screen, click Sign in, then pass an MFA prompt to complete the sign-in process
Accept the default file location settings by selecting the Next button
On the "Finish Setting Up" screen, click Next, then click OK on the macOS prompt to allow OneDrive to begin syncing
Proceed with “quick tutorial” of OneDrive tips by continuing to select the Next buttons in the following screens
Choose Later when given the option to download the mobile version onto a smart phone or mobile device
Open the OneDrive folder when asked to do so at the end of this tutorial
Quick Access to OneDrive
OneDrive Icon
Locate the OneDrive cloud icon in your Mac's menu bar
Click on it
Sign in with your university credentials if prompted
Accessing OneDrive from a Browser
Sign in to
Click the App Launcher(waffle) in the top left corner
Click on the OneDrive icon.
You can also sign in directly to
Accessing OneDrive from myGeneseo
Accessing your OneDrive data from anywhere
One convenient benefit of using Microsoft OneDrive is that you can view any of your backed up documents from any computer via the web at Log in with your Geneseo account and continue where you left off! You can even save the files back to Microsoft OneDrive to be updated when you get back to your main computer. You also can access all your files at
You can find your content on any phone or tablet using the Microsoft OneDrive app:
Keeping Files on Your Computer
By default, OneDrive will upload your files to the cloud and download them to your computer when you need them. This feature is referred to as Files On Demand, and is enabled by default for macOS. If you would prefer to also keep copies of your documents on your local machine at all times, follow these steps to make sure your files are always available on your computer:
Open a Finder window, then click "OneDrive" under locations in the left-hand navigation bar
For any folders or files that you want to permanently have on hand (even if offline), right-click and select ”Always keep on this device”
If you log into any other computers that are NOT your main/primary computer, you do NOT need to select the option to always keep on this device. This option for using OneDrive on secondary computers will still allow you to access those files as long as you have an internet connection, but will not take or fill up the hard drive space on a secondary computer.
From now on, when signing into your computer, OneDrive should automatically sign you in and the OneDrive icon should show that it is backing up. Occasionally you may be prompted to log into OneDrive again. Make sure you do this to keep your files syncing correctly.
Each of the files or folders that are saved in OneDrive can have one of two icons:
A cloud download icon indicates a file or folder that is available in OneDrive, but not currently downloaded to your computer
A checkmark icon indicates a file or folder that has been selected to "Always keep on this device"
Any file or folder without an icon indicates that it has been downloaded to your computer, but has not been selected to "Always keep on this device"
How to tell if your files are syncing
By default, you will automatically be logged into OneDrive as long as you have signed into it previously on any college-provided computer. Click on the OneDrive cloud icon in the top right-hand corner of your desktop (near your wireless icon) and OneDrive will report its sign-in and sync status to you.
Customize Which Folders to Sync to Your OneDrive
Special Character or File Name Overlength Errors
macOS allows Special Characters to be used in file names that Windows does not; also, macOS file names can be longer than Windows file names. Since OneDrive is a Microsoft product, the file names must follow Microsoft’s rules. If you get an error about special characters or file names that are too long, here is what to do:
From the Geneseo "G" icon in your menu bar, click CIT Self Service
In the CIT Self Service, select Fix file name issues for OneDrive Sync
This will run a script that will go through the files in your Documents and Desktop folders, fix the files that have Special Characters that need to be removed and will identify file names that are too long.
A log of actions taken by this script is stored at /Users/Shared/onedrive-fixLogs/onedrive-fixLog-<date>
Backups of directories changed are stored in the user profile at /Users/<username>/OneDrive-Backup…, /Users/<username>/Desktop-Backup…, /Users/<username>/Documents-Backup…, etc.
If you do not see Fix file name issues for OneDrive Sync, it means that you do not have any Special Character or File Name Overlength Errors.
Additional Notes for CIT Professionals
OneDrive Guide to Files and Folder Organization
Need more storage space?
By default all students, faculty, and staff are allocated 256 GB of space in OneDrive. If you require additional storage, please submit a request in our service portal.
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