Importing Optical Scanning Data into Brightspace

Importing Optical Scanning Data into Brightspace

This self help document outlines the process for importing Optical Scanning Data (bubble sheets) results into your Brightspace Course.

Step 1: Collect Student Scores

The Opscan results are sent via email from CIT. Within the zipped file, you will find files called LMSImport.csv and LMSImportReject.csv. Save both files to your desktop.

Step 2: Importing the Scores into the Brightspace Gradebook

  1. Enter the course where you want to import the results and navigate to the Grades section.

  2. On the Enter Grades page, click Import.

  3. Click Browse.

  4. Locate the file you want to import and click Open.

  5. Select Create new grade item when an unrecognized item is referenced if you want to be able to create new grade items from the import file.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. If you are creating new grade items:

    1. Select the Create New Grade Item check box beside each of the items you want to create.

    2. Select a grade item Type.

    3. Click Continue.

    4. Fill in the grade items' properties.

    5. Click Continue.

  8. View error and warning messages associated with the import, and click Continue. Note: Fields with errors are not imported.

  9. Preview your import and click Import.

Step 3: Manually add Student Scores from LMSImportReject.csv file

You will need to manually enter the scores from the LMSImportReject.csv file into the gradebook after you import the other scores, as the file contains results that did not match a Geneseo ID number to a student. You will also need to manually enter a zero for any student who did not take the quiz/exam, designated by a missing score following the import and reject file updates.

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