Reset Quiz Attempts

Reset Quiz Attempts

Students may experience technical issues while taking a quiz. If necessary, you can delete a quiz attempt for your student and provide the opportunity to retake their quizzes by resetting attempts.


  1. On the navbar, click Course Tools → Quizzes.

  2. On the “Manage Quizzes” page, click the drop-down menu beside the quiz with attempts you want to reset, and click Grade.

    The Grade option in the drop-down menu of the quiz.
  3. Select the check box for each attempt you want to reset and then click the Reset button at the top of the list of quiz attempts.

    The Reset button on the Manage Quizzes tab.


By default, the Grade Quiz page only displays completed quiz attempts. To view quiz attempts in progress, on the Users tab or the Attempts tab, from the Restrict to filter, select either All attempts or Users with attempts in progress.

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