Hide a Single Grade Item or Grade Category from Students

Hide a Single Grade Item or Grade Category from Students

When grading student work, instructors might want to decide to keep grades and feedback hidden from learners until all work has been graded, for example. For grades and feedback to be fully hidden from students, both a) the grade item and/or its category and b) the graded activity itself need to be made invisible.


To make the grade and feedback visible to students, please follow the steps below, but select Make Visible to Users instead of Hide from Users.

Steps to Hide a Single Grade Item 

  1. Navigate to Grades and go to the Manage Grades tab.

  2. If you would like to hide a single grade item, click on the arrow beside the desired grade item and select Hide from Users as shown in the image below.

    image that shows menu selection location
  3. Verify you see the “Hidden from User” symbol beside the grade item as shown in the figure below.

    image that shows icon location

Hide an Entire Category of Grades

  1. Navigate to Grades and go to the Manage Grades tab.

  2. If you would like to hide all the grades inside a grade category, click on the arrow beside the desired category as shown in the image below.

    image that shows menu selection location
  3. Select the Hide from Users option. This will hide all the grades for the items in the respective category from students.

    image that shows menu selection location
  4. Verify you see the “Hidden from User” symbol as shown in the figure below.

    image that shows icon location

Steps to Hide a Graded Activity

There are three main types of activities that can be graded in Brightspace: Discussions, Assignments and Quizzes. The procedure to hide them from students is similar.

  1. Navigate to Course Tools > Discussions/Assignments/Quizzes.

  2. In the list of Discussions/Assignments/Quizzes, navigate to the activity in question, expand the “v” menu next to it, and select Hide from Users. A hidden icon next to the activity will let you know it is hidden from students.

  3. You can now grade the activity and Publish Feedback without showing either the feedback or grade to students.

Related Self Help Guides

  • Page:
    Delete a grade item or category — This guide has information about how to remove unwanted grade items or categories
  • Page:
  • Page:
  • Page:
    Hide the Final Calculated Grade in Brightspace — Hiding the Final Calculated Grade can be helpful if Instructors want to prevent students from seeing their (final) grade at any point during the term and if an Instructor wishes to prevent students from receiving email notifications when a grade has been entered/updated (since the Final Calculated Grade, by default, will also be updated each time a grade is entered which causes email notifications to be sent to students).
  • Page:
    Hide a Single Grade Item or Grade Category from Students When grading student work, instructors might want to decide to keep grades and feedback hidden from learners until all work has been graded, for example. For grades and feedback to be fully hidden from students, both a) the grade item and/or its category and b) the graded activity itself need to be made invisible.
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    Creating Extra Credit Grade Items — Extra credit points can be given in Brightspace in two ways:
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    Dismiss Activities from QuickEval — When you dismiss an activity, it is hidden from the Quick Eval list, but won't affect the activity. A dismissed activity is still available for evaluation from its own tool (Assignments, Quizzes, Discussions).
  • Page:
    Entering all grades for a specific Grade Item — There are many ways to enter grades into Brightspace. Typically you might enter grades within the Assignment or Quizzes tool. However there are times when you may not be using those tools, but have another activity that requires a grade. One of the simplest and most straightforward is to use the Enter Grades function within the Gradebook. This method allows you to input all the grades for a specific activity in one place, without having to use the assignment or quiz tools.

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