Backing up – Where to Store Your Files

Backing up – Where to Store Your Files

Digital Storage Strategy

CIT asks all users and departments to follow these guidelines. We are currently working on a year-long project to help departments and individuals develop a digital storage strategy for digital assets.

  • We recommend using OneDrive and SharePoint as your primary storage space.

  • We ask all users to review Google and \\files storage and remove personal files and data they no longer need. As of July 1, 2024, Geneseo Google account quotas were applied.

    • Once you review your files, we are asking users to move your remaining files to OneDrive/SharePoint.

  • We will be requiring all users to move their data from \\files and the server will be shut down July 1, 2025.

File Storage Locations and Backup Policies


Types of Files

Backup Policy



Types of Files

Backup Policy


College-owned Computer

None - no files should be stored only on an individual computer. Any files on your computer should be synced with OneDrive.


OneDrive and Google file sync can be installed on individual computers to provide easy access to cloud stored files. Items stored in Desktop and Documents are automatically synchronized to OneDrive.


Departmental, Project, Research

3 month retention of backups

\\files will be turned off on July 1, 2025

Microsoft 365 (OneDrive, SharePoint)

Individual Professional, Departmental, Project, Research

90 days full backup



Limited use of Individual Professional, Departmental, Project, Research

90 days full backup


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