Banner Creating A Personal My Menu

Banner Creating A Personal My Menu

You can create your own personalized "My Banner" menu in Banner Admin Pages using the GUAPMNU form. The My Banner menu can be helpful for forms you use all the time and also forms you use occasionally (e.g. once per semester) but have a hard time remembering. Favorites is the easiest method, but GUAPMNU can give you a second set if you find the need to organize your important pages used in performing your job.

Reasons To Use My Banner Menu

  • Place to Store Pages you use less frequently and have a hard time remembering the name or Ellucian page description in order to search.

  • You can organize your My Banner menu with submenus by your own categories.

  • You can copy menus to other users.  This can be handy to get new hires up and running quickly.

Steps to Add Item(s) to Your Personal My Banner Menu

Banner also has an older My Banner menu managed by the GUAPMNU form that you can utilize to save and quickly access pages and processes. Favorites is easier to use, but My Banner may offer you a second set of commonly accessed forms if you are looking to organize them.

  1. Open Banner by visiting the Banner link on https://my.geneseo.edu or via https://banner.geneseo.edu

  2. Click the button for Banner.

  3. Open the "My Banner Maintenance" GUAPMNU form. 

    1. Click in the search box and enter the form name or "My Banner" to find and open the form.

  4. Make sure "Oracle Forms Module" is selected for the type. It should be selected by default.

  5. Click on the first object in the object type panel on the list to highlight the object. The Filter icon should become "active".

    Test Database in Banner, Oracle Forms menu, with filter option highlighted
  6. Click the filter button and enter the name of the form you want to add in the object field and press go to filter the object type list and find your form.

    SAAADMS entered in object field
  7. Click on the form in the object type panel and press the "Insert Selection" button to add it to your "My Banner" menu.

    Insert selection button highlighted
  8. Press the Save button to save the results (bottom right in footer).

  9. You will have to logout and log back in to see the new items in your "My Banner Menu". Your "My Banner" menu will appear when you activate the "menu icon" 

     on the ApplicationNavigator navigation menu. 

    myBanner Applications menu

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