Create Personal Page
This article will walk you through the steps to create a personal page.
Click 'Create Content' in the Workbench Menu and choose "Personal Page" from the select list for the website where you want to create a page.
Most of the fields are self-explanatory and those with a red asterisk are required.
If an image is not currently available please use the "No portrait available" image. Search for it by entering "no portrait" in the name field of the media library.
The "Teaching Research" field is used to highlight your areas of expertise. Filling out this field will add your name to the Faculty Database.
The "Department/Academic Program" field: Add the departments you are associated with. Use the "Add another item" button to add more departments. One department per field.
Click the "Add Class Taught" button to dynamically render your current classes. The information is pulled from Banner.
Remember to save the page.