Google Drive to OneDrive Move

Google Drive to OneDrive Move

This article will help you move your Google Drive files to your OneDrive.

Before You Start


  • Navigate to the area of your OneDrive where you would like to save the files/folders too and keep the window open so you can drag and drop them there.

  • Select all the documents you would like to move to OneDrive, right-click on the files, and choose "Download" in the dropdown menu.

  • The files will be grouped as a zipped file.


  • Open the File Explorer app. (You can search for the app to find it) and click on the downloads folder

    • tap the folder icon if you have the shortcut on your taskbar

    • you can locate the File Explorer app in the "Windows System" folder.


  • Click on the zipped file to open it

  • Select all the files and click on Extract all

  • This will open a window to save the extracted files


  • Select the file/files and drag and drop them to your open OneDrive window to move


  • Note dragging and dropping the file to OneDrive will move it from your PC to OneDrive without making a copy.

OneDrive Training - Microsoft 

OneDrive video tutorials - Microsoft Support

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