Argos Department Chair Datablocks
Below is an (incomplete) list of Argos datablocks accessible to Department Chairs and Administrative Assistants.
Argos → DepartmentChairs Datablock Summaries
Datablock Name | Description |
Academic Department Assignments | Department assignment, FT/PT Status |
Advisors and Advisees |
Cohort Tracking Summary | Outcome (Graduation, still enrolled, etc) of a particular group of incoming students. |
Course Count by Instructor Title | Count of courses by department, FT/PT status, and instructor title. |
Course Enrollment Counts | Identify courses at or below a certain enrollment. Also list crosslisted and similar courses |
Course List By Instructor | Course assignments by department and instructor |
Gen Ed Timing | What was the class year of students taking particular Gen Ed fulfilling courses? |
Grade Change Report | Lists grade changes for instructors in my department |
Grade Distributions | Find grade distributions for a list of students, department, subject, course, etc. |
Graduate GPA Rank | List cumulative GPAs for a particular major and subject. Can be used to determine where a student's gpa falls within a certain range. |
Graduates Students Extract | Graduates by major/minor/concentration for a particular term. |
Honors Courses | Honors courses enrollment by student |
Secretary Class List | List of students enrolled in a course. Can be used to email students about a class cancellation. |
Students Extract | List students by major/minor/concentration.