Argos Department Chair Datablocks

Argos Department Chair Datablocks


Below is an (incomplete) list of Argos datablocks accessible to Department Chairs and Administrative Assistants.

Argos → DepartmentChairs Datablock Summaries

Datablock Name


Datablock Name


Academic Department Assignments

Department assignment, FT/PT Status

Advisors and Advisees

  • List and counts of advisees for each advisor

  • Students without an advisor

  • Former students still assigned an advisor

Cohort Tracking Summary

Outcome (Graduation, still enrolled, etc) of a particular group of incoming students.

Course Count by Instructor Title

Count of courses by department, FT/PT status, and instructor title.

Course Enrollment Counts

Identify courses at or below a certain enrollment.

Also list crosslisted and similar courses

Course List By Instructor

Course assignments by department and instructor

Gen Ed Timing

What was the class year of students taking particular Gen Ed fulfilling courses?

Grade Change Report

Lists grade changes for instructors in my department

Grade Distributions

Find grade distributions for a list of students, department, subject, course, etc.

Graduate GPA Rank

List cumulative GPAs for a particular major and subject. Can be used to determine where a student's gpa falls within a certain range.

Graduates Students Extract

Graduates by major/minor/concentration for a particular term.

Honors Courses

Honors courses enrollment by student

Secretary Class List

List of students enrolled in a course. Can be used to email students about a class cancellation.

Students Extract

List students by major/minor/concentration.

  • Student information (admission term, gpa, credits, expected graduation date, etc)

  • Student Schedule

  • Subject/Course registrations (past/present/future, transfer)

  • Grade Lookup (determine if students failed to meet a grade cutoff for a certain course)


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