Installing Adobe Creative Cloud Applications

Installing Adobe Creative Cloud Applications


Adobe Resources

Adobe Creative Cloud Applications are available on campus lab computers and can be accessed using the information here.

Faculty and Staff requesting this software on their computer will find information about purchasing a license here.


  1. Visit https://creativecloud.adobe.com
    Click on "Sign in" in the upper right hand corner. Enter your Geneseo email address to sign in and then click on "Continue".

  2. If prompted, select Company or School Account

  3. You should either be automatically logged in or you may be redirected to the SUNY Geneseo branded Login Screen. If presented with the Geneseo login screen, enter your full Geneseo email address and password here and you'll be logged into the Creative Cloud portal.

  4. Once logged in, you will see the following:

  5. Select an application indicated by A, then click the blue Get desktop app indicated by B.

    1. Alternatively, you can click View All indicated by C to see all the Adobe Creative Cloud Applications available to install.

  6. The desktop app installer will download a file to your computer that you need to open and run for the program to be installed.

You may install an Adobe Creative Cloud application on as many computers as you like, however you can only be signed into an Adobe Creative Cloud application on two computers at any given time. All other locations will be signed out. 

For more information on how to download or install apps, see Adobe's documents on how to Download and Install Creative Cloud apps.

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