Google Home/Mini Setup Guide

Google Home/Mini Setup Guide

Find and register your Google Home/Mini's  MAC address:

** Make sure bluetooth is enabled on your phone. **

  1. Connect your phone to eduroam

  2. Launch the Google Home app

  3. Select Settings → Add → Set up device → Set up new devices

Google Home settings page
Google Home Settings Add screen
Google Home Set up Device option
Google Home Set up new Device option

  4. Follow the on screen instructions until you get to the "Connect to Wi-Fi" page

Looking for devices
Connecting to Google Home Mini
Connect to WiFi, showing network options

5. At the "Connect to Wi-Fi" page, Click on the 3 dots on the upper right portion of the screen, then click on "Show MAC Address"

Connect to Wifi 3 Dot menu
Connect to Wifi Show MAC address screen
GoogleHome Mini's MAC Address

6. Use another device to register the MAC address here: mydevices.geneseo.edu

7. Once registered, select "gPlay" and follow the onscreen instructions until your home or mini is setup. 

If you have any questions or need help, email helpdesk@geneseo.edu describing your issue as best as possible and we will assist you. 

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