Adobe Sign Sandbox

Adobe Sign Sandbox

Adobe has provided us with a Sandbox for experimenting, creating, and sharing Adobe Sign documents and Templates. The Sandbox is a SUNY wide environment managed by SUNY ITEC, so sharing is possible with other institutions. To access the sandbox, please request access via Ask CIT.

Once you request an account, follow these instructions to activate your account.

Why Use the Adobe Sign Sandbox?

  • Sandbox transactions are free. 

    • This makes sandbox a good place to learn and experiment.  It also makes it a good place to develop complicated templates and workflows since you can experiment as much as you like without using up more costly production transactions.

  • You can export templates and web forms from the sandbox back into production and visa versa. 

    • So you can move a production template and/or web form from the production instance into the sandbox, add and test new features, and then move it back into production when you are finished and ready to use it.

  • You can share templates and webforms with other SUNY campuses and also borrow from your peers.

    • You can use the same export/import capabilities within the sandbox itself to share with your peers.

Documents can be transferred between a Sandbox account and normal production account:

To transfer a template to the Sandbox:

  1. Log into the Adobe Sign Sandbox

    1. You need to enter your geneseo.edu email address and press the tab key to move to the password field (do not enter a password).

    2. You will see the login screen redirect to the "Select an account" screen.  Select "Company of School Account"

  2. In the upper right corner click on the drop down for your name, and select "My Profile"

  3. You will be looking for "Production Sync" down the left side navigation menu,

  4. Click on Templates under Production Sync.


  5. You will get a popup to log into your normal Adobe Sign account.

    1. Enter your email address and follow the login process similar to when you logged into the sandbox (do not enter a password - wait and it will log you in).

    2. If you get a POPUP Blocked error, refresh the page after turning off the blocker.

  6. After signing in to you account, you will need to Allow Access on the permissions screen.

  7. You will see a two section screen, showing Local files (in the sandbox) and remote files (in Production)

  8. To move a file from Production into the Sandbox, click on it and you will get a "Copy" button next to the item.

To transfer a template to Production

The process is the same as transferring a document to the Sandbox, except you look for "Sandbox Sync" at the bottom of the left navigation menu after opening your profile in your Production Sign account. Local is then Production and Remote is the Sandbox, and you will log into your Sandbox account on the popup.  You will be asked to login to the sandbox and authorize access just as you did for the production instance (when working on the sandbox).

Share a template with another SUNY

  • Import or create the template you wish to share

  • While editing the template, on the right side is the Template Properties section:

  • For "Who Can Use", selecting any user in the group 'SUNY Roundtable Sandbox' or the 'Any user in my organization' will allow the item to be seen by the entire Sandbox SUNY wide.

  • Likewise, in your "Manage Templates" list you can see any templates shared by other Sandbox users.

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