Ask CIT to Move Your Phone

Ask CIT to Move Your Phone

Originally published in Today @ Geneseo on January 30, 2025.

Ask CIT to Move Your Phone

To ensure safety and functionality, please remember that only CIT should move or unplug telephones on campus. Here's why:

  1. Each phone is registered with Livingston County emergency services to a specific campus address. Moving it could disrupt this vital connection.

  2. Telephones broadcast important announcements, just like our outdoor Giant Voice system.

  3. Phones need specific network settings. Incorrect connections can lead to poor audio quality.

  4. Moving phones can damage cables and connectors over time. We will replace the old cables when we move the phone for you.

To request a phone move, call the CIT HelpDesk at x5588 or submit an online request. Thank you for your cooperation!

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