Digital Storage – a reminder of summer changes

Originally distributed to campus via DDC-L and Today @ Geneseo June 28, 2024

As announced in early June, there are changes to digital storage on campus that will happen July 8, 2024. These changes are not expected to affect your current storage locations or workflows. 

Important Announcement.jpg

  • Geneseo Google accounts will have quotas applied (100GB for individual users). Quotas should not impact you on July 8th! 

    • If you exceed this quota, it will automatically be adjusted to accommodate your current files.  

    • 95% of our users are under the planned quota so this likely will not impact you. 

    • You may run into quota limits in future. We ask everyone to clean unneeded files where possible and to contact CIT if you believe you have a case for storage needs exceeding the current quota limits. 

  • Google Shared Drives will be created by request only from CIT.   

  • Microsoft 365 Teams and SharePoint sites must also be requested from CIT.  

  • Microsoft OneDrive file stream will be enabled for all users. 

    • Mac users will need to login into OneDrive before the syncing stream begins. 

    • Mac users may also receive notifications about file name errors. On Geneseo Mac computers, in CIT Self Service, there is a "Fix OneDrive file names" program that goes through the desktop and documents folders to fix punctuation issues.