SPSS Installation Guide

SPSS Installation Guide


VPN Required for Off-Campus Use

This software does require a  Virtual Private Networking (VPN)  to function while off-campus

Steps for macOS

  1. Download SPSSSC_29.0.2_Mac.pkg from software.geneseo.edu

  2. Once the file finishes downloading, navigate to your Downloads folder and double-click on SPSSSC_29.0.2_Mac.pkg

  3. Click Continue, then Install to begin installation

    1. You will be prompted to enter your administrator account password before the installation can begin

  4. After the installation finishes, click Close to exit the installer

  5. SPSS Statistics version 29 can be opened from the IBM SPSS Statistics folder within Applications

  6. On the Activate IBM SPSS Statistics window, click Launch License Wizard

  7. When the licensing wizard starts, click Next, then click the radio button for Concurrent user license, then click Next

  8. In the License manager server name or IP address field, type spss-acad.itec.suny.edu then click Next

  9. If the licensing completed successfully, you will see a list of products and expiration dates

  10. Click Finish

  11. SPSS Statistics 29 is now installed

If you are running macOS Sonoma and are running into licensing issues, please see the notes section below.

Steps for Windows

  1. Download SPSS_29.0.2_Win_MP_ML.exe from software.geneseo.edu

  2. Once the file finishes downloading, navigate to your downloads folder and double click on SPSS_29.0.2_Win_MP_ML.exe

  3. If you are prompted with "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?" click  Yes

  4. Click Next

  5. Read the license agreement then select the option to Accept the terms of the license agreement, then click Next

  6. Click Next to accept the destination folder

  7. Click Install

  8. When the installation completes, make sure the box is checked to "Start IBM SPSS Statistics" then click Finish

  9. On the Activate IBM SPSS Statistics window, click Launch License Wizard

  10. When the licensing wizard starts, click Next, then click the radio button for Concurrent user license, then click Next

  11. In the License manager server name or IP address field, type spss-acad.itec.suny.edu then click Next

  12. If the licensing completed successfully you will see a list of products and expiration dates

  13. Click Finish.

  14. SPSS Statistics 29 is now installed.


  1. SPSS will only be able to connect to the license server if you have a working campus internet connection. If you are located off-campus, you must establish a VPN connection in order for SPSS to launch.

  2. SPSS is not available on the Chromebook platform. If you need access from one of those devices, please try using the Geneseo Virtual Computer Lab

  3. SPSS 29 currently does not work on macOS 14 (Sonoma). Here is the fix:

SPSS 29 Mac Sonoma Fix


You need to download and unzip the fix file from the link below:

​Download it to your Mac, double-click it to unzip, and then do the following:

·        In Finder, navigate to /Applications/IBM SPSS Statistics right-click on SPSS Statistics app and choose Show package contents

·        Open the Contents folder and then the lib folder

·        From where you unzipped the fix, copy the libplatdep.dylib file to the lib folder you opened in the last step (replace).

  • Note: Do not drag and drop this file into the lib folder. Instead, use COMMAND+C and then COMMAND+V to copy and paste it into the lib folder.

Once you've done the copy and paste, re-launch SPSS and try clicking OK. You should hopefully get past it this time.

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