Hide the Final Calculated Grade in Brightspace

Hide the Final Calculated Grade in Brightspace


Hiding the Final Calculated Grade can be helpful if Instructors want to prevent students from seeing their (final) grade at any point during the term and if an Instructor wishes to prevent students from receiving email notifications when a grade has been entered/updated (since the Final Calculated Grade, by default, will also be updated each time a grade is entered which causes email notifications to be sent to students).

If you wish to prevent students from receiving notifications when a grade has been entered (either when entering grades through an activity such as an assignment/quiz or directly in the gradebook), in addition to hiding the activity and the grade item, you must also hide the Final Calculated Grade column. If the Final Calculated Grade is visible to students (even though the activity and grade item are hidden), students will still receive a notification when a grade has been entered (since the Final Calculated Grade will be updated in the process). Thus, by hiding the activity (if applicable), the grade item, and the Final Calculated Grade, students will not receive grade-related notifications until the Final Calculated Grade item is revealed. You may also want to use visual panels to communicate related information.

If an instructor hides columns within their Gradebook, but does not properly hide their Final Calculated Grade item, students are able to click on the Calculator icon that displays in Grades or Class Progress > Grades to see these hidden grade items and their marks.

To hide the Final Calculated Grade column, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to your course and click on Grades from the course navigation bar.

  2. Ensure you are on the Enter Grades tab.

  3. Click on the chevron next to Final Calculated Grade and choose Enter Grades.

  4. A new page will load. Ensure you see all of your students on this page by changing the amount per page to 200 (at the bottom of the page).

  5. Select all students by clicking the Select All Rows checkbox in the top left corner.

  6. Click the Release/Unrelease button.  Ensure that all the checkboxes in the Released column are unchecked.

  7. Click Save and Close at the bottom of the screen. Students who cannot see their Final Calculated Grade item will have an eye with a strike through next to their Final Calculated Grade in the Instructor view of Enter Grades.

  8. When you are ready to Release the Final Calculated Grade, repeat the previous steps ensuring that the checkboxes in the Released column are checked.

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