Welcome - Fall 2016

Welcome - Fall 2016


We are excited to welcome all faculty and students back look forward to a great academic year! It has been a busy summer for CIT and I’d like to share some of the many things we have been working on. Our CIT HelpDesk is located on the main floor of Milne Library where our staff and student assistants are available to help as you whenever Milne is open. Also you can visit helpdesk.geneseo.edu to access self-help, search our solutions database or submit a support request.



Don’t Take the Bait! Phishing
We are at the time of year that malicious attackers think we are a most vulnerable prey. Be aware and don’t take the bait! Never provide credit card information, social security numbers, passwords, or other sensitive information over the phone, through email or a web site to an unknown source. Please use caution and beware of these scams. CIT will NEVER ask you for your username and password through an email.

New Learning Management System
Canvas will replace myCourses (Angel) as Geneseo’s Learning Management System (LMS) beginning summer 2016. Canvas is a 21st century LMS that has hundreds of intuitive features for faculty to engage students and enrich the learning experience. This fall, 32 faculty are teaching 46 courses with 979 students using Canvas. All faculty and staff will have the opportunity to attend training this semester and teach with Canvas in Spring 2017. Canvas will completely replace Angel in summer 2017. http://www.geneseo.edu/cit/canvas

Office 365
Geneseo has licensed access to Office 365 for Faculty, Staff, and Students. This allows you to use your Geneseo login to gain access to Microsoft Office on up to five computers (college or personally owned) and all your mobile devices. Please see our self-help https://wiki.geneseo.edu/x/9YNsBg for all the details.

One Button Studio
Geneseo’s “One Button Studio” (OBS), South Hall 344, is now online! Not just a clever name, users of the OBS can get all the, LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! needed to record themselves and others with just the press of a single button and a USB flash drive. The One Button Studio in open to all Faculty, Staff and Students using your Geneseo ID card access. If you’d like to learn more or get a tour of the facilities, contact CIT’s Joe Dolce (dolce@geneseo.edu)

Geneseo students, faculty and staff have FREE access to the entire lynda.com training library (over 7,500 courses, and more are added every week) through Geneseo's site license. To access Lynda.com, visit lynda.com, click log in, select Organization Login option, then enter geneseo.edu in the organization URL box. Click Go. Enter your Geneseo username and password then click the Sign In button. For additional help, visit Accessing Lynda.com and Ideas for Using Lynda.com.

CIT upgraded over 800 of our oldest wireless access points across campus to 802.11ac for faster and more reliable networking. New wireless access points can service more clients and provide better coverage. Our new wireless network was put to the test last weekend as students returned. We are experiencing several issues and are working closely with our vendor to solve them.

New www.geneseo.edu
CIT worked in conjunction with College Communications this summer to develop the newly redesigned Geneseo website. This project included a new version of the Drupal content management system. If you encounter a problem with a Geneseo web page that needs to be fixed you can submit an issue via go.geneseo.edu/website_help.  If you are a website editor needing assistance or training you can call the CIT Help Desk to speak with the web team.

Classroom Upgrades
Projectors were upgraded in about 35 classrooms this summer. An initial group of ten classrooms had HDMI connectors installed to support newer laptops – more to come. Sturges 221 underwent a mini-renovation and a document camera and SmartBoard were added to the room.

Community Technology
CIT consulted on the new educational space at the new Humphrey Nature Center at Letchworth State Park. We provided expertise in networking and classroom technologies. If you need a break, take a trip out to Letchworth’s new nature center.




Sue Chichester
Chief Information Officer& Director, CIT
SUNY Geneseo
email: sue@geneseo.edu     phone: 585-245-5577