Behind the Scenes at CIT

Behind the Scenes at CIT

Originally published in Today at Geneseo

CIT has a weekly maintenance window scheduled for Thursdays 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. This time is set aside each week for our staff to perform routine maintenance and upgrades that may disrupt service. If a service is unavailable early Thursday morning, it may be under maintenance. 

Banner upgrades typically take place between 4:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. on weekdays other than Thursdays. More extensive upgrades take place over the weekend. 

Occasionally, more urgent updates or maintenance requiring more time may be completed outside the maintenance window – immediately, over the weekend, on a holiday, or other off-hours time. CIT posts notices for maintenance events with a  broad impact to the CIT Geneseo Status site.

For more information contact: CIT, 585-245-5577