Adobe Creative Cloud License Warning

Adobe Creative Cloud License Warning

This notice was shared with Adobe Creative Cloud users on August 18, 2022

As a licensed user of Adobe Creative Cloud at Geneseo, you have likely seen the notice that your Adobe license has expired, and that you will lose access to those apps on August 23rd. The SUNY licensing team at ITEC has been working on this renewal for some time, and has told us a final agreement is expected this afternoon. Adobe assures ITEC that no one will lose access to their licenses. Adobe is in the midst of updating all campus licensing consoles, and you will continue to have access to Adobe products until updates are completed. The license warning will go away at that time.

Do you have other questions or concerns about Adobe Creative Cloud licensing? Ask CIT. Call the CIT HelpDesk at 585-245-5588 or submit a request and we'll be happy to assist you.