Microsoft SharePoint Online is a cloud-based collaborative environment. SharePoint has replaced the Wiki for department and project collaboration.
File sharing with users.
Managing project content, such as images, articles, source codes, videos, and so on.
Sites and subsites for decluttering teams and tasks.
Staying in touch with the collaborator through communication sites.
Creating workflows and reminders to automate projects and tasks.
Using the search function to look for resources, tasks, or files.
Before You Start
This section is optional. Use bulleted list when necessary.
Please follow the guidelines at CIT Self Help Guidelines
Bold face: Use for menu and button names
Italics: Use for system messages and titles
Respect the Oxford comma (red, white, and blue )
Add hyperlinks when necessary. Embed link into descriptive text where possible.
use → not -> for series of selections (the wiki editor should auto replace -> with →)
Use code macro for large blocks of code or text you expect people to copy paste
Insert emojis using the new text editor
Refer to the different flavors of devices as: MacOS, Windows, iOS, or Android (never MAC or PC). Refer to hardware by the manufacturer: HP, Dell, Apple
Images should be resized to medium and linked to original for consistency. No borders. Use red (Hex code #FF0000) color and 3 pixels width for callouts (arrows, rectangles or ovals).
Still Need Help?
Ask CIT! Call (585-245-5588), email, chat, or submit a request and we'll be happy to assist you.