The files servers will be turned off on July 1, 2025 and you will no longer be able to access \\files, inboxes, outboxes or dropbox

All folders and files must be moved before the deadline. Drive Files (\\files) to OneDrive on MacOS Move

This document provides information on how to connect to your File Space while being off campus on macOS and Windows computers.

Before you Start

Steps (macOS)

  1. Establish a VPN connection from your computer

  2. Switch applications to the Finder.

    1. The icon for the Finder looks like a face.

      Mac icon
    2. An easy way to switch to the finder would be to click on the Desktop.

  3. Select the Connect to Server option within the Go menu.

  4. The Connect to Server window will open; in the Server Address: type smb:// 

     Server Address

    1. If you would like to add this to your list of favorite servers, click the + button.

    2. Items listed as favorite servers can be clicked on to make a faster connection in the future.

  5. Click Connect

  6. You will then get a window that lists the various folders that you have access to.

  7. Click on your username to access your Files Space.

Steps (Windows)

  1. Establish a VPN connection from your computer

  2. Right click on the Start menu and click on Run

  3. In the address area next to Open: type the following (without the quotes) "\\" then click OK
    Steps (Windows)

  4. You may be prompted to enter in your Geneseo email address and Geneseo password

  5. You will then get a window that lists the various folders that you have access to.

  6. Click on the folder with your username to open the folder and access your Files Space.

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Reviewed by

David Blood

Review Date