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This page details the communications you can expect to see related to accounts and passwords from CIT. You can use this as a reference to identify phishing emails.


titleNew Transfer Admit Account

To: The student's application email address 

Date/Time: When selected for admission as transfer

Subject: Geneseo Network Account


Dear FirstName,

Welcome to Geneseo! We have created a new Geneseo account for you. This account gives you access to KnightWeb and DegreeWorks to allow you to confirm transfer credits. Accounts remain active for as long as through the start of the next semester, and will be fully provisioned for all services once you are a registered student at Geneseo.

Your Username is:
Your claim code is: F6TY-PK87-TVS2

You must claim your account by visiting

For additional help with claiming your Geneseo account, see our self help at  or contact the CIT HelpDesk by calling (585) 245-5588, or visiting our online service desk.

We wish you every success during your time at Geneseo. 


Geneseo Computing & Information Technology (CIT)

Enable Transfer Admit



titleMessage for transfer admits that become full studentsNew Transfer Admit Account

To: The student's application email address 

Date/Time: Within approximately 2 hours after deposit is paid in the Slate system or they are entered as a quick admin.When selected for admission as a transfer

Subject: Geneseo Network Account Enabled


Dear FirstName,

Welcome to Geneseo! Your We have enabled your previous Geneseo account is now fully provisionedfor you. This account gives you access to a variety of resources including email, online course materials, printing services, software like Microsoft Office, and more. Accounts remain active for as long as to DegreeWorks to allow you to confirm transfer credits. Accounts remain active through the start of the next semester, and will be fully provisioned for all services once you are a registered student at Geneseo. Please note that all future email correspondence will be sent to your Geneseo email address. You should begin monitoring the account today!

Your Username is:
Your email address claim code is: yjk7@geneseo.eduFor additional help with your Geneseo account, see our self help at CIT Self Help or contact F6TY-PK87-TVS2

You must claim your account by visiting

For additional help with claiming your Geneseo account, see our self help at  or contact the CIT HelpDesk by calling (585) 245-5588, or visiting our online service desk.

We wish you every success during your time at Geneseo. 


Geneseo Computing & Information Technology (CIT)


Transfer Admit becomes Full Student

When is it sent? This is sent when a customer requests a new claim code using either because they lost their old claim code or it has expired.


titleMessage for transfer admits that become full students

To: The student's application email address 

FacultyDate/Staff: Account Manager(s) for department (maintained by CIT) and Supervisor as recorded in Human Resources.


New Claim Code for Geneseo Account


A new claim code has been generated for your Geneseo account. Your old claim code will no longer work.

Your Username is:
Your claim code is: F6TY-PK87-TVS2Time: Within approximately 2 hours after deposit is paid in the Slate system or they are entered as a quick admin.

Subject: Geneseo Network Account Updated


Dear FirstName,

Your Geneseo account is now fully provisioned. This account gives you access to a variety of resources including email, online course materials, printing services, software like Microsoft Office, and more. Accounts remain active for as long as you are a registered student at Geneseo. Please note that all future email correspondence will be sent to your Geneseo email address. You should begin monitoring the account today!

Your Username is:
Your email address is:

You can claim your account by visiting

For additional help with claiming your Geneseo account, see our self help at or contact CIT Self Help or contact the CIT HelpDesk by calling (585) 245-5588, or visiting our online service desk.

We wish you every success during your time at Geneseo. 


Geneseo Computing & Information Technology (CIT)


New Claim Code


When is it sent? This is sent when a customer requests a new claim code using either because they lost their old claim code or it has expired.


Students: The student's application email address 
Faculty/Staff: Account Manager(s) for department (maintained by CIT) and Supervisor as recorded in Human Resources.


New Claim Code for Geneseo Account


A new claim code has been generated for your Geneseo account. Your old claim code will no longer work.

Your Username is:
Your claim code is: F6TY-PK87-TVS2
Your email address is:

You can claim your account by visiting

For additional help with claiming your Geneseo account, see our self help at or contact the CIT HelpDesk by calling (585) 245-5588, or visiting our online service desk.


Geneseo Computing & Information Technology Department (CIT)


Account Disabling, Suspension, and Transitioning

Student Account to Limited/Disabled Student Account


When is it sent? When a student comes off the feed

To: Student's Geneseo email address


Geneseo Student Account Disabling Scheduled



An automated process has selected your account <EMAILADDRESS> to be disabled. Your account will be put in a limited access state on <DATE> and disabled on <DATE>. Limited access accounts maintain access to email, Google Drive, Canvas, and a few other services.

You are responsible for saving any email or files from your account. We will not recover individual files or email after your account has been disabled and we cannot restore your account.

Only currently registered students, students on an approved leave, and Geneseo Study Abroad students are eligible to maintain a Geneseo account. Your account will be restored if you register for another Geneseo course.

We do not have a record of you registering for classes or taking a leave of absence during this semester or next semester. If you are concerned this notice is phishing please note that we have not asked for your password nor do we link to anything requesting your password. For more information about phishing check out our phishing resources.

Please see our self help document Support for Outgoing Students. To receive commencement information after your Geneseo account is deactivated you must update your Home Email in Knightweb.

If we are in error in selecting your account for deletion, please reply to this message immediately.

Please update your contact information with the Office of Alumni Relations to receive important information about events near you and to stay in touch with your alma mater!

For questions on how to migrate your account information, contact the CIT HelpDesk by calling (585) 245-5588, or visiting or visiting our online service desk.


Geneseo Best regards,

Craig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology Department (CIT)

Account Disabling, Suspension, and Transitioning


SUNY Geneseo

Transfer Admit Account to Disabled Student Account


When is it sent? When a student transfer admit comes off the feed

To: StudentThe student's Geneseo application email address


Geneseo Student Account Disabling Scheduled



An automated process has selected your account <EMAILADDRESS> to be disabled. Your account will be put in a limited access state on <DATE> and disabled on <DATE>. Limited access accounts maintain access to email, Google Drive, Canvas, and a few other services.You are responsible for saving any email or files from your account. We will not recover individual files or email after your account has been disabled and we cannot restore your accountYour account will be disabled on <DATE>.

Only currently registered students, students on an approved leave, and Geneseo Study Abroad students are eligible to maintain a Geneseo account. Your account will be restored if you register for another a Geneseo course.

We do not have a record of you registering for classes or taking a leave of absence during this semester or next semester. If you are concerned this notice is phishing please note that we have not asked for your password nor do we link to anything requesting your password. For more information about phishing check out our phishing resources.

Please see our self help document Support for Outgoing Students. To receive commencement information after your Geneseo account is deactivated you must update your Home Email in Knightweb.

If we are in error in selecting your account for deletion, please reply to this message immediately.

Please update your contact information with the Office of Alumni Relations to receive important information about events near you and to stay in touch with your alma mater!

For questions on how to migrate your account informationto this message immediately.

For questions about your account status, contact the CIT HelpDesk by calling (585) 245-5588, or visiting our online service desk.

Best regards,

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo



When is it sent? When an employee comes off the feed from HR (and is not marked as retired)

Creates JIRA Issue with: Employee's email, Supervisor's email, Department Account Managers


Geneseo Computing Account Eligibility Change for <DISPLAYNAME> <EMAILADDRESS>


We have been informed that <DISPLAYNAME> no longer has an active employment commitment at the college, impacting their account eligibility. Common causes for this are:

  • This person is an adjunct, and their current active commitment end date has arrived.

  • This person is a 10-month employee, and their 2-month break has arrived.

  • This person has separated from the college.

Our Account Eligibility page describes what happens when a Geneseo employee account loses its eligibility:

  1. The account <EMAILADDRESS> is scheduled to transition to a courtesy account in 2 weeks on <DATE>. Courtesy accounts maintain access to Google services (Gmail, Drive, Docs), Canvas, and a few other services. Please refer to a more complete list of services.

    1. When <EMAILADDRESS> transitions to a courtesy account, they will be removed from the following Active Directory groups:

  2. The account <EMAILADDRESS> is scheduled to be disabled on <DATE>.

Adjuncts and some other account types who frequently return but rarely have a 12-month commitment may keep their courtesy account for one year after their last work date, reflected in the "scheduled to be disabled" date above. When a courtesy or disabled account begins a new active employment commitment, it is automatically transitioned back to a full account, usually within 24 hours.

If this is an error, please respond to this as soon as possible. Department heads and account managers can request a delay in these scheduled changes by responding with a justification for the extension and when they expect the person to have an active commitment again.

If this person has separated from the college, please see Considerations for Employee Separation. Please also review the following, which may need your attention:

  • Please let us know who should take over ownership of these Active Directory groups that <EMAILADDRESS> owns:

  • Please let us know who should take over management of these Active Directory accounts that <EMAILADDRESS> manages:

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management



When is it sent? When an employee comes off the feed and has a retired status

Creates JIRA Issue with: Employee's email, Supervisor's email, Department Account Managers


Your Geneseo Computing Account Retirement Status


Congratulations on retiring from the college FIRST NAME!

Retirees of SUNY Geneseo are eligible to keep access to their Geneseo account. Your account will be changed to affiliated status on DATE. Affiliated accounts keep access to email, Google Drive, Canvas and some other services as detailed in our resources for retirees page. If you need to retain access to other materials or resources we will work with you and your department to grant access if possible.

Please note that retirees who do not access their account for 12 consecutive months will have their account removed.

Retirees and emeriti must return their computer, and any related accessories, as part of the college’s separation procedure. State property control policy does not permit the college to sell equipment. We provide some guidance on buying yourself a personal computer in our retiree resources.

You must update your email signature line to reflect your retired status. Failure to do so may result in loss of email privileges.

If you do not want to maintain your email account respond to this email letting us know the date we should disable your account. Retirees that keep their accounts must make arrangements with offices they work with to ensure business related documents are transferred and that communications are able to reach the offices.

Many retirees return to work at Geneseo in some capacity, if that is the case for you your account will automatically be moved back to a full account when you're hiring paperwork is processed by Human Resources. When you finish that assignment your account will automatically return to retiree status.

Here is the list of Groups and Accounts this account owns, please let us know who should take over ownership of these:

Here is a list of groups that this account will be removed from:Shawn Plummer

Craig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo

Subsequent retirements


When is it sent? When an employee comes off the feed and has a retired status

Creates JIRA Issue with: Employee's email, Supervisor's email, Department Account Managers


Your Geneseo Computing Account Retirement Status


Dear {First Name},

Thank you for assisting the college during your retirement! Your account will be changed to affiliated status on DATE. Affiliated accounts keep access to email, Google Drive, Canvas and some other services as detailed in our resources for retirees page. If you need to retain access to other materials or resources we will work with you and your department to grant access if possible.

Please note that retirees who do not access their account for 12 consecutive months will have their account removed.

Retirees and emeriti must return their computer, and any related accessories, as part of the college’s separation procedure. State property control policy does not permit the college to sell equipment. We provide some guidance on buying yourself a personal computer in our retiree resources.

You must update your email signature line to reflect your retired status. Failure to do so may result in loss of email privileges.

If you do not want to maintain your email account respond to this email letting us know the date we should disable your account. Retirees that keep their accounts must make arrangements with offices they work with to ensure business related documents are transferred and that communications are able to reach the offices.

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo

(Proposed) Department


When is it sent? When an employee comes off the feed and has a retired status

To: Supervisor's email, Department Account Managers


<mail> Retirement Status


This user account has been assigned to <displayName> has been changed to a retired status. Most rights and privileges have been automatically removed, but please check your department resources like Google Drive and Google Shared Drive and Microsoft OneDrive to make sure no sensitive information is still shared with <mail>. You should ask them to move any files used by your department to an appropriate share drive or your department may lose access to those files. For additional help with these tasks, see our self help at <self help for finding these files> or Ask CIT. Call the HelpDesk at (585) 245-5588 or submit a request.

Best regards,

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo



When is it sent? When the AuditInactiveAccounts ActionSet (with type retiree) finds no login activity for 12 months for a retired account

To: Employee's email


Your Geneseo Account Retirement Status


Dear <givenName>,

According to our records, your <mail> account has not been accessed for at least 12 months. As previously communicated, your account is now scheduled to be disabled on <DATE>. If you believe this is in error please respond to this email.

If you believe this message is phishing you can always compare it to our official account communications in the SUNY Geneseo wiki.

Best regards,

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo



When is it sent? When the AuditInactiveAccounts ActionSet finds no login activity for 12 months for the specified account

To: Account's Geneseo email


Your Geneseo Account Status


Dear <givenName>,

According to our records, your <mail> account has not been accessed for at least 12 months. As per our Account Eligibility guidelines, your account is now scheduled to be disabled on <DATE>. If you believe this is in error please respond to this email.

If you believe this message is phishing you can always compare it to our official account communications in the SUNY Geneseo wiki.

Best regards,

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo



When is it sent? All limited accounts are notified their account is being disabled at 4 weeks, 2 weeks, 3 days, 1 day.

To: Geneseo mail address for the account


Account being disabled soon



The account <EMAILADDRESS> will be disabled on <DATE>.

If you believe this is in error please respond to this email.

Best regards,

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo



When is it sent? Account back on the feed. Moved back to full account. Will no longer be deleted.

To: Geneseo mail address for the account


Geneseo Account Disabling Cancelled



We are writing to inform you that the scheduled disabling of your account <EMAILADDRESS> has been cancelled.

You do not need to take any further action. Have a great day.

Best regards,

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo



When is it sent? When an employee changes to a new department

To: Employee's email


<mail> Department Change



We have been informed that you have moved from <oldDepartment> to <newDepartment>. Some rights and privileges that are automatically assigned by department have been changed, but please verify you no longer have access to data belonging to <oldDepartment>, and please let us know if you need any further rights in your new role in <newDepartment>. Need help? Ask CIT. Call the HelpDesk at (585) 245-5588 or submit a request.

Best regards,

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo



When is it sent? When an employee changes to a new department

To: Prior Supervisor's email, Prior Department Account Managers


<mail> Department Change


We have been informed that <displayName> has moved to another department. Some rights and privileges that are automatically assigned by department have been removed, but please check your department resources like Google Shared Drive and Microsoft OneDrive to make sure no sensitive information is still shared with <mail>. For additional help with these tasks, see our self help at <self help for finding these files> or Ask CIT. Call the HelpDesk at (585) 245-5588 or submit a request.

Best regards,

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo



When is it sent? When an employee changes to a new department

To: New Supervisor's email, New Department Account Managers


<mail> Department Change


We have been informed that <displayName> has moved to your department. Some rights and privileges have been automatically assigned, but if any further rights are needed, Ask CIT. Call the HelpDesk at (585) 245-5588 or submit a request.

Best regards,

Shawn PlummerCraig Moscicki
Director, Systems & Identity and Access Management
Computing & Information Technology
SUNY Geneseo
