Help page for recently graduated students, alumni and those who are leaving Geneseo. |
If you are graduating or have recently graduated, then your email account and other Geneseo accounts will be closed six months following your official graduation date. We recommend that you read the information below and migrate any data you wish to keep before you officially graduate.
Accounts can not be reactivatedOnce your account is officially deactivated, CIT will be unable to reactivate it for you and you will be unable to access any data left behind. We strongly recommend you transfer all data before this occurs. |
Your Geneseo email account will expire 6 months after you leave the College. You will receive an email notification from CIT before this actually occurs. It is recommended that you create a new email account to use before this occurs. There are many free web-based email providers to choose from, and most Internet Service Providers offer email accounts to their customers. The following options are also available to you:
To forward new email you receive to your account to some other non account, follow Google's support instructions.
Once you account is deactivated in our system, email will no longer be forwarded . You must take steps to change your email address with any parties you wish to continue to receive email from. Setting a vacation or out of office message is recommended for the 4 weeks prior to your account being disabled. |
Google provides a method to transfer content from your account to another Google account. Follow this Google guide to do so.
Google provides a method to export and download all your information. Follow this Google guide to do so.
Like email, any files that you have saved to our Files servers or Google Drive space will be deleted two months after you leave Geneseo. Please be sure to back up any of this data that you wish to keep before leaving campus. If you have worked on documents for a club or other campus organization, make certain that the ownership of those files is transferred to that organization. It is recommended that the organization use a Google Shared Drive to prevent the loss of data when members leave. Follow Google's instructions to transfer your email and drive files you own to a personal Gmail account. You can also easily download an archive of your Google Drive Data using Google Takeout. Please read Google's support document for full details about the Google Takeout service.
You can download your data from OneDrive using OneDrive Sync. View these setup instructions for Windows and these instruction for macOS . To download items, you will use Sync to copy or move items to your local machine or flash drive.
A much slower option is to open and download each folder or item in your OneDrive, sign in to OneDrive select your items and click Download from the top menu bar.
There is no migration path from Microsoft OneDrive to a personal Microsoft OneDrive account without saving the data to a computer first.
If you have stored files in your Geneseo Adobe Creative Cloud account, Adobe offers a transfer service to help migrate your student access to a personal Adobe account. Please view these instruction from Adobe and go here to get started
You will lose access to Knightweb once you lose access to your account.
We recommend you consider printing an unofficial transcript and any relevant financial information prior to your account being deactivated.
Official Transcripts can be requested using the directions on the Registrar Transcripts page
Alumni can stay connected on the U-Knight Alumni Community
You can contact the Registrar's Office for assistance with any other questions.
Any software listed as Academic Software on is available only to current students. You must remove this software upon leaving the College. See this page for instructions on Windows and this page for instructions on macOS.
When you graduate and your SUNY Geneseo account is disabled, you will need to purchase Microsoft Office on your own. When the subscription expires, Office software applications will enter read-only mode, which means that you can view or print existing documents, but you can’t edit them or create new ones. To return to full Office functionality, you can purchase a subscription to Office by visiting Microsoft 365. You could also use Office Online for free when you create a personal Microsoft account.
Geneseo updates NY-Alert/Everbridge subscriptions automatically. If you would like to unsubscribe before your account is removed automatically, visit KnightWeb's Personal Information Menu.
Students graduating in the Fall may be concerned about how they will receive commencement announcements. Not to worry. If you follow the instructions given during your graduation application and update your Home Email address in KnightWeb to be a personal (non-Geneseo) email address, that address will automatically be subscribed to commencement-l when your Geneseo account is deactivated. If you want commencement-l emails, you must update your Home Email address in Knightweb.
For instructions on updating your home email address:
Be sure to update your contact information with the Office of Alumni Relations to receive important information about events near you and to stay in touch with your alma mater!
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