Phone with labeled buttons
Campus users are provided with Cisco IP Phones for their telephone service needs

Any telephone installed across campus must remain operational - someone looking for a phone to dial 911 should never find a non-working phone in a time of need.

Only CIT moves telephones - we must keep Livingston County 911 updated with the location of every phone on campus. It would be a disaster if emergency services were to respond to the wrong location because emergency responders were not updated.

Our telephones bring our Giant-Voice emergency notification into our buildings. They must be functional to be an effective part of our emergency communications plan.

The presence of a telephone, even today, gives some comfort to our students as they move around our campus.

Below is a list of of how to perform some common functions on your phone. 

Answer a phone call

Option 1:

Option 2: 

Option 3: 

This applies when you are already on a call

Note: pressing the Answer soft-key will place the first call on hold.

Make a phone call

Option 1:

Option 2: 

The is the best option for entering lengthy numbers.  

Access myVoicemail messages

Forward your phone extension to another campus extension

Forward your phone extension to off-campus extension

Forward your phone extension to directly to your voicemail

Transferring calls

Directly to another campus extension

Announced Transfer

Directly to a user's voicemail

To a User's Voicemail after Announcing the Transfer


Conference Calling

Connect with 3, 4 or 5 other callers from your office phone.

Placing a Conference call

  1. Dial the initial call 

  2. Press the button below more,  then press the button below Confrn (Note: the called party is automatically placed on hold and you will now hear dial tone)

  3. Dial the next conference call participant

  4. After the call is answered, press the button below Confrn again - this will join the initial call with the next conference call participant

  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to up to four additional participants to the conference call (a total of 5 conferees)

  6. If the initiator of the conference call disconnects, the call is terminated

View Conference List

"directories" Menu Options

Using the Speaker

Reference: Telephone Dialing Procedures

Resource: Cisco's Video Tutorial of Phone Features

Owner (area)


Reviewed by

Enrico Coloccia

Review Date