All Geneseo faculty, staff, and students have a Google account that includes calendar. This self help document describes options for making appointment times available for students, colleagues, and external contacts. |
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Determine which Google calendar will be used for appointment scheduling.
Personal calendar
Department account calendar (contact the CIT HelpDesk for questions)
A new Google calendar created for this purpose
Identify people who will schedule appointments with you.
Geneseo students
Geneseo faculty & staff
External customers (incoming students, parents, vendors, etc.)
Method | Best for meeting with | Advantages | Disadvantages | For More Information |
Google Meetings | Geneseo Account Holders |
| |
Google Appointment Schedules | Geneseo Account Holders External Contacts |
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Google Appointment Slots | Geneseo Account Holders |
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Navigate | Geneseo Students |
| Dean of Academic Planning and Advising | | External Customers Geneseo Account Holders |
| |
Doodle | Mix of Geneseo and non-Geneseo participants |
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