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What is SharePoint?

Microsoft SharePoint replaced the Wiki as our cloud-based document management and team collaboration software.

SharePoint uses document libraries, lists, and sites to organize and share content. In SharePoint, you can create document libraries to organize and share files and set permissions to control who can access, edit, or manage them.

We have created a SharePoint Resource site to help users and admins

Frequently Asked Questions

titleHow can I access SUNY Geneseo’s SharePoint space as a student/faculty or staff member?
  1. Click on the SharePoint link,

    1. Log in with your full SUNY Geneseo email and password

  2. Go to, and sign in to your work or school account.

    1. In the upper left corner of the window, select the app launcher image-20240226-173516.pngImage Added > All apps > SharePoint.

      1. Tip: If you don't see the SharePoint app under All apps, use the Search box near the top of the window to search for SharePoint.

titleWhat is the SharePoint Start Page?

Your SharePoint start page is where you can find and access SharePoint sites and portals you have access to within your organization. Think of the start page as your personal dashboard.

Go HERE for more information about your SharePoint start page.

titleHow do I view all content on my SharePoint site?

Click or tap the Gear icon > Site contents (top right) from the site.
Subsites, Document libraries, and Lists (Calendars, Contact Lists, Wikis) are listed on the SharePoint Site contents page for easy navigation.

titleHow can I easily find SharePoint sites I have been given access to?

From your SharePoint start page, type contentclass:STS_Site into the Search in SharePoint field.

image-20240226-175321.pngImage Added

You can then bookmark it to your browser or add it to the Featured Link section of your SharePoint start page.

titleHow do I follow/unfollow SharePoint sites

You can follow a SharePoint in Microsoft 365 site and a link to that site will be added to the Following section of the SharePoint start page. Sites are listed in the order in which they were followed, with the most recently followed site showing up first on the list.

To follow a site

titleHow do I search for content in SharePoint?

To learn how to search in SharePoint go to our Searching for Content resource page. Here you will find the different ways to search.

titleWhat if I need help using SharePoint?

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Reviewed by

Susan Palmer

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