From your new page, scroll to the bottom and click on the Self Help Article Template to place it on your page.
Please do not alter the names of the provided section headers, nor change the template's default font family or sizes.
Delete optional ones that are not used.
Create additional headings with Heading 1 format.
Give this page a title: Enter the page title in the
Excerpt: Write a friendly overview of what the article is about in this section
Before You Start: Optional section using a bulleted list. Please follow the guidelines at CIT Self Help Guidelines
Steps: Break down your steps in a logical manner.
Use a numbered list for ease of reference.
Insert your steps.
You can also copy and paste or drag-and-drop images into your instructions.
For more than 10 steps, consider breaking into different sections.
Info Panels: Use to highlight information in a colored panel
Two info panels are included in the Self-Help Template
Info Panel
- Caution Panel
To add more info panels, Click the + sign on the top navigation menu and select Info Panel:
Notes: Optional section using bulleted list
Related Topics:
Seek review and input from colleagues and your manager
When approved, remove viewing restrictions